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Welcome To Grekkon Eldoret.



We provide proper equipment for installation of irrigation systems in projects such as greenhouses, farms and golf courses. Our irrigation systems are designed to efficiently irrigate plants, with minimal water loss as a result of evapotranspiration. Our agricultural irrigation systems are cost-saving, especially in the long run. They can be entirely buried, sub-surface buried or even fully exposed on the surface.

At Grekkon Limited, we pride ourselves by being leaders in supply and installation drip irrigation kits in Kenya. Our kits are affordable and last long.

  • Kitchen garden drip kits
  • 1/16 Acre Drip Irrigation Kit
  • 1/   Acre Drip Irrigation Kit
  • ¼   Acre Drip Irrigation Kit
  • ½ Acre Drip Irrigation Kit
  • ¾  Acre Drip Irrigation Kit
  • 1 Acre Drip Irrigation Kit

  • Water filter to prevent emitter clogging
  • Piping system
  • Control valves
  • Driplines
  • Fittings and accessories

Apart from the above drip kits, we make custom made designs based on your farm. For such kind of farms, we will do a survey and give appropriate designs.

The above kits can either have two, three or four driplines per bed. Crops such as tomatoes, sweetpepper, brassicas prefer two driplines per bed while for onions, we recommend three or four driplines per bed.

We  stock high quality 16mm driplines with emmiter spacing of 15cm, 20cm and 30cm with single or double emitter spacing.

Drip irrigation means timely application of water to the plant root zone, thereby saving water, time and energy while maximizing your yield. Farmers in this region can comfortably use drip irrigation to irrigate their vegetables, fruit trees such as bananas, avocadoes, passion fruits, maize e.t.c.  Crops under drip irrigation mature faster, are uniform and of top quality. Farmers also save on labour costs as compared with other methods of irrigation.


This is a flexible system and can be wound through flower beds or borders, around trees or shrubs, run down rows or raised vegetable beds and can be used in container planting. It is an inexpensive and effective method for watering a variety of plants and gardens.


Drip or trickle irrigation is a localized irrigation method that applies water in very low flow rates.  Drip irrigation is suitable for most soil types and most types of topography. It is very well suited to situations of limited water supplies or high water costs.

Drip Irrigation for passion fruits, avocadoes, coffee, macademia and other fruit trees 

We use button drippers to irrigate fruit trees. This is because the trees are widely spaced and use of normal driplines will not be effective. The drippers are put exactly where the crop is, ensuring no wastage of water and nutrients.

The drippers are either the adjustable type, emitting 0-70L per hour or pressure compensated, which can either emit 4L, 8L or 16L per hour.

Since its inception, Grekkon Ltd has supplied quality and affordable sprinklers in Kenya for different applications. Our sprinklers are built to last long that can work either under gravity or pumps driven. Major use of our sprinklers include crop cultivation, lawn irrigation and dust suppression in construction sites.


When it comes to raingun sprinklers, Grekkon Ltd is a house hold name. At the moment, we are the largest supplier of raingun sprinklers in Kenya.

They are able to irrigate large portions of land within a short period, saving you on time, energy and cost. Our farmers use them to irrigate crops such as cabbages, kales, maize, managu, grass.

Rainguns are also very effective in irrigating golf course lawns and football. You use less energy as one can cover radiuses of upto 30-40m.

In construction sites, our clients use them for dust suppression.

Other features

  • You can select from either metallic or plastic
  • Have shooting radius of 15m to 40m depending on size and pressure
  • Pressure ranges from 2-5 bar depending on size
  • Available size are 1’’ , 1½ ‘’ , 2’’ and 2 ½‘’
  • Our rainguns are either impact or gear driven.


Note that they work well with high pressure pumps.


An Impact Sprinkler is a type of irrigation sprinkler in which the sprinkler head, driven in a circular motion by the force of the outgoing water, pivots on a bearing on top of its threaded attachment nut.

We supply metallic and plastic impact sprinklers available in 1’’, ¾’’ and ½’’ sizes.

Our impact sprinklers are built to last long.


Pop up sprinkles comprise of an underground piping system  laid out making the system invisible. Once the system is turned on, the pop sprinklers rise above the ground and irrigate the lawn. A certain pressure has to be attained. Once irrigation is complete, they go back to their original position below the ground.

They are ideal for lawns both private, and public . Main applications of our pop up sprinklers are in football and rugby pitches, golf course, residential

We source our pop sprinklers from renown manufacturers across the world.

Available sizes

 ½’’ and ¾’’  and 1’’


Rain hose is an overhead irrigation technology that works by spraying water on plants, an alternative to sprinkler irrigation system. The system is cost effective and effective.

Rainhose Irrigation system uses a flexible hose with a series of holes at pre-determined spacing. These holes are made using nano technology to ensure uniform distribution of water.

It is suitable for nursery seedlings, onions, leafy vegetable e.t.c

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