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Electric Submersible Pumps

Grekkon - December 18, 2019 - 0 comments

Electric submersible pumps by Grekkon limited are available in various sizes, from shallow well to deep borehole models. They are all stainless steel models designed to work under water only.

What to consider in submersible electric pumps

  1. Power rating. Each submersible pump has a power rating provided in kilo volts, which determines if it will run on a single phase or three phase electric power supply. 
  2. Head. This is the pressure rating provided in meters. It is a measure of how high the submersible electric pump pushes up a given volume of water vertically at various depths. Your pump from Grekkon Limited will have the head indicated as the minimum to maximum range, and tied to a specific water volume discharge rate. For example 5 cubic liters per hour at 50M to 1.2 cubic liters per hour at 250M. This will be illustrated on the label as 5M3– 1.2M3| 50M-250M.
  3. Flow rate or discharge rate. This is the volume of water the pump evacuates at a given pressure. A range is provided for this as illustrated in (2) above. The larger the submersible electric pump, the greater the discharge rate. For any given submersible electric pump, there is an inverse relationship between the discharge rate and the depth or height of pumping. The volume of water discharged decreases for every increase in pumping depth or height.

We provide electric submersible pumps to clients with an easy to read, graphic illustration of the relationship between pressure and flow rate for every pump we install.

To determine an appropriate submersible electric pump for a client, the following information will be provided.

  1. Depth of the well or borehole
  2. Water level in the well or borehole
  3. Water requirement or use per day
  4. Electricity power supply line available; is it single phase or three phase?

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