What are bird nets
Bird nets are nets used to protect crops against unwanted birds and some mammalian pests. Bird nets in Kenya are used widely for high value horticultural crops such as strawberries, fruits, kales etc. They are effective since they also conserve the environment. Grekkon Limited’s is a reputable supplier and installer of anti bird netting in Kenya
Features of anti bird nettings.
- Are UV treated (ultra violet rays radiations blocking treatment). This is to keep away the harmful reflects of UV rays, to avoid quick degradation of the net as a result. The net has a usable lifespan of 6 years.
- The net is white or green in color. The white net provides a high reflective, heat repelling surface, the green one camouflages the net to the surrounding crop.
- Bird nets have large pores which allow insects through while keeping out bird pests.
- It is supplied in standard widths of 4M.
Where to use Bird Nets
- Bird nets are used as side netting in greenhouse structures to prevent bird pest entry. A bird net is required in specific greenhouses where the crop requires insect pollination to fruit, such as strawberries.
- As a side netting for shade houses- similar to how it is used on a greenhouse.
- To cover a fish pond. This is used to protect fish from king fisher birds in aquaculture
- As a fence and top netting in free range chicken raring.
- You could use a bird net too as a fence and top netting on a small kitchen garden to keep off chicken and bird pests.
The use of bird nets is relatively new in Kenya. However, with intense agriculture systems growing in the country, their demand increases every year.
We train famers on the proper installation of these nets to avoid damage and tearing. This reduces the net’s overall lifespan. Grekkon Limited encourages the use of profiles and wiggle wire during installation for this. No nailing should be done directly on the net, and excess weight must be avoided.
The above photo shows bird netting on drip irrigated straw berries. Also to note is the plastic mulch which prevents growth of weeds