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How to Install Dam liners in Kenya

Grekkon - October 9, 2024 - 2 comments

How to install damliners perfectly

How to install dam liners in Kenya is always a challenge faced by farmers, technicians and engineers. The procedure on how to install dam liners involves careful placement of the dam liner material in an excavated reservoir or pond for water harvesting. Proper dam liner installation will guarantee good water collection and retention for use in irrigation, animal and domestic use. As result, during dam liner installation, maximum care is needed to avoid damaging it. It therefore , requires proper coordination so as to achieve the intended objective. Grekkon Limited technicians will always be available to guide you on how to fix your liner material. Consequently, if you would like to do it yourself, here are all the guidelines from excavation to the time when the liner is ready to collect water.

How to install dam liners in Kenya
Grekkon technicians installing a dam liner in Nakuru, Kenya

Here are the steps to install damliners

1. Dam Excavation.

This is the first step and usually takes the longest time. Excavation can be done manually where jembes and hoes are used or with a machine. Most common machines for dam excavation are backhoe loaders, bull dozers and caterpillars. During excavation, the side walls are inclined at an angle to prevent collapse of the dam. The cost of digging a dam in Kenya will generally depend on the type of machine used, dam size and location. Generally, the price of digging a dam in Kenya ranges between Kes. 5,000 to Kes. 9,500 per hour. The cost is cheap for soft soil and expensive for soils with deep murrams and rocks that will require various machinery types to execute the job.

2. Smoothening of the dam.

This is done to remove any sharp objects that may damage the dam liner. You may be forced to pour in water on the floor and sides to soften it.

Excavation of an irrigation reservoir in Ol joro rok, Kenya

3. Trench making

Trenches are dug round the dam where the dam liner will be installed. The size of the trench will depend on the size of the dam and the dam liner thickness. The most popular trench sizes are 1ft deep by 1ft wide and 1.5ft deep by 1.5ft wide.

4. Dam liner Installation

Before installation, the dam liner is properly examined for possible holes which are repaired first to avoid leakages. During installation, the dam liner is inserted in the reservoir, to take the shape of the reservoir. The liner must have an allowance for overlap. This allowance is inserted in the trench and covered with soil so as to have a smooth finish. Several casual labourers are needed to ensure the process becomes as smooth as possible. Note that you have to install an inlet and an over flow. The inlet can be a pipe from a river, borehole or from the roof gutter section. Dams that trap run off water must have a silt trap with several chambers to trap stones, mud and other debris.

5. Filling of the dam

Once installation is done, the next step is to fill the reservoir with water. Water collected (rain or pumped) will be stored and used to irrigate crops and other uses.

Filling of a dam with water

Grekkon Limited has technicians with skills and know how on how to install dam liners in Kenya. Contact us today on 0792135259

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  1. Thapelo

    My name is Thapelo Moreroa from South Africa I used to work with company called Aquatan linings system I got 15 years experience of dam lining I am looking for a job I was checking if you guys got something or u know someone who wants people to work with

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